Web Sites for Extra Practice


Web Sites for Extra Practice

Added Practice

There are many resources on the internet that you can use.

Below are some web sites that offers extra practice on skills we've been working on
to, too, two  practice
20 Notes on Context Clues with Practice Quiz
21   Parts Of Speech Fun Games
22 Correct Capitalization in a Paragraph
23   Choose correctly Capitalized Proper Nouns
31 Prefix : Type the Prefix 
32 Prefix : Matching 

40 Point of View ONLINE PRACTICE 

43 POINT OF VIEW tutorial: Scroll down to read all the notes 

51  There/their/they're: Tutorial

60 Listing Commas : Battleship

62 Contractions: practice

63 Diagramming simple sentence: Tutorial

64 Great Resource for all subjects 

66  Henry's Freedom Box

67 Story of Three Pigs


The Legend Of SLEEPY HOLLOW by Glenn Close


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