
Marlington Local Schools News Article

Safety Improvements

Marlington spends a significant amount of money to bring older buildings up to current safety standards to improve the safety of students at Marlington.  

A good example of this is a recently completed project to replace the locksets in all doors at Marlington.  In the event of an emergency such as an armed intruder, it is not only critical to be able to lock each classroom, but it is also necessary for staff and emergency personnel to quickly locate keys to gain entry into locked areas to evacuate students and staff.   The new lock system will provide key staff (and only key staff) with master keys that work on ALL of the doors within their building.  Gone are the days of a large key ring with a hundred keys on it. To save cost, the locksets were installed by a Marlington employee who underwent specialized training to become a certified locksmith.  The materials for this project cost $88,000.

Other security features have been added to improve the safety of our students:

  • Additional cameras (inside and outside of all buildings)
  • Software that enables principals to view each camera in all buildings.
  • A new public address system for emergency communication, both inside and outside of all buildings.
  • An app that immediately notifies all staff in the event of an emergency.
  • Phones in each room.
  • Restricted access to buildings – electronic key fobs to restrict access to only authorized personnel.
  • Safety film on entry doors and foyer windows to deter entry by armed intruders.
  • Pepper spray deterrents in each building which are linked to the sheriff’s office.
  • Additional lighting in dark areas around buildings including soccer parking lot and area between high school and the Moulin center.
  • A third officer from the Stark County Sheriff was hired part-time for the 2024-25 school year to provide additional coverage.

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