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Benefits Open Enrollment 2024-2025

Every employee must complete the online open enrollment process to shop for various benefits and update enrollee information in November each year. 

The open enrollment process is to be completed on the PlansSource website.
During open enrollment, you can:
  1. Choose Medical Mutual or Aultcare as your medical insurance carrier. Aultcare  is typically available in Stark County and the five surrounding counties. 
  2. Add eligible dependents that are not currently on your plan. 
  3. Add coverage if you currently don’t carry coverage and are eligible for coverage. 
  4. Enroll in a Flexible Spending Account (FSA). You don’t have to carry insurance to carry Flexible Spending.
Click the link below for a video on the enrollment process provided by the Stark County Council of Governments: 
Open Enrollment Video

Additional information will be provided once the date of the open enrollment period is announced.  
If you have questions or need assistance, please contact Lisa Manos ([email protected], 330-821-4026) or Bob Foss ([email protected], 330-821-4012)

Posted Tuesday, August 27, 2024