Keynote Session


Keynote Session

You are what you TECH!

Bio: Carol Schwartz is currently an assistant professor and the Associate Chair of the Undergraduate Teacher Education Department at Lourdes University. She has also served as an educational technologist; managed distance learning and instructional services for a community college, and directed the technology program in a public school district. No matter the position, her primary goal has been helping faculty members to create authentic, active learning experiences and quality instruction that is supported by effective technology integration. Her experience teaching Social Studies in private and public high schools for 21 years provides a fundamental background for strong curricular structure and knowledge of all that teaching entails. 
Intro: Sociologists Strauss & Howe identified four “generations” that constantly repeat themselves. Learn how these generations interact in our schools and how technology was—and continues to be—a formative influence in learning and their perception of the world. Will the same patterns continue in the next generation(s)? What role is technology playing in how those generations are developing? Gain new insight in looking at your students and colleagues and understand them just a little better.
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