Mental Health Resources/Safety Updates


Mental Health Resources/Safety Updates

The safety and security of our students and staff is our top priority.  We have many initiatives in place within the district to provide assistance and also wish to provide many outside sources as well.     

Mental Health Stigma Squasher
Mental Health Resources:  
Available resources in the Marlington Local School District district are: 
Schools Counselors: 

Available Resources: 
Child and Adolescent Services (C & A) 
Please click here to read their Blogs

Child & Adolescent Services On-site Counselors: 

CARE Teams 

  • The Marlington Local Schools CARE Team (Coordinate and Align Resources to Engage, Empower and Educate youth, family and community) is designed to assist students and their families with nonacademic barriers. The implementation of CARE Teams is comprised of teachers, administrators and staff from multiple community agencies including law enforcement, mental health, alcohol and drugs, and other social service agencies located throughout the county. The team works together in a school-based environment to address challenges facing the at-risk student population and their families.  For more information please contact our Family Support Specialists, Mrs. Krystal Sourwine at [email protected] and Mrs. Jill Ginther at [email protected].


NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Stark County.   NAMI Stark County works to “Provide Hope for Recovery for Persons and Families Impacted by Mental Illness”.  A support group for loved ones/caregivers meets at Science Hill Community  Church on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month and NAMI offers Family to Fmaily classes  along with Peer to Peer classes - all for free.  Here is a link to find out more.


Please visit this website for information on talking to your kids, safeguarding yourhome and sign and symptoms.   Please click here to sign up for "Know! Parent Tips" and "Know! Teachable Moments" which will be emailed to you.   

Following are a few of the Start Talking Publications. 

Know!  How To Talk To Your Kids About School Violence

Know! How to Talk Teen Relationships and Dating 

Know!  Every Bite Counts 

Know! To Fuel Their Critical Thinking 

Children of parents who talk to their teens about drugs are up to 50% less likely to use. A majority of substance-free adolescents credit their parents for the decision not to use illegal substances.



Common Sense is the nation's leading nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in the 21st century. 




Promoting Coping Strategies in Youth 

 Project Aware Strength Based Resources

 Positive Behaviorial Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

School Climate



Family Engagement 

Youth Coping Strategies 


 Recovery Village Resources



Stark Help Central Resources 


Addiction Resources for American Communities 


Internet Safety

"Back to School Digital Parenting Tips," Jesse Weinberger, Overnight Geek University 

"10 Apps for Parents to Monitor Kids' Mobile Use," Erin Dower, 

"Safety Beyond Facebook: 12 Social Media Apps Every Parent Should Know About," Erin Dower, 



OSU Opioid Overdose Family Support Toolkit

Healthy Kids Learning Community : This platform will enable participants to share their concerns and practices, related to youth and families impacted by the opioid epidemic, and to increase collaboration with child welfare agencies, substance abuse treatment providers and the court system to improve outcomes for children, parents, families, providers, and supporters.


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