Please read the following for an update on important information and upcoming events at Marlington High School.
The officers and advisors of the Class of 2025, 2026, 2027 and 2028 will be selling Class Activity Cards September 9 through 27 online and during lunch periods. Activity Cards cost $5.00 per year at Marlington High School. This money is used to fund The Homecoming Dance & Game Night Festivities (Freshman year), Homecoming Dance Ceremonies (Sophomore year), Prom (Junior year), and Graduation (Senior year). You must pay these dues to receive your digital activity card, which is used for entry to and participation in dances and other school events.
We will also be having our second annual club recruitment from September 16 - September 20 outside of the cafeteria. We will have representatives from all of our clubs at MHS encouraging our students to join their club.
Picture Day at MHS
Picture day is Wednesday, September 18, 2024.
Picture forms will be available on the wall across from the main office at MHS
Champion Day
We’re excited to welcome and celebrate our exceptional students from Marlington and many other local schools.
Thursday, September 26, at Marlington Stadium, from 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
BBQ Bash
We are excited to announce that our annual BBQ Bash is returning on Friday, September 27.
This will take place between 5:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. in the High School Cafeteria.
Tickets cost $8 and can be purchased from any National Honor Society member.
Homecoming Dance
Community Day Tailgate at MHS
Friday, October 4, from 4:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. on the high school front lawn
This is a great community event put on each year with a variety of activities to participate in.
Online Forms
All online forms MUST be completed and the questions referring to iPad Guidelines and Procedures must be marked as “Agree to the terms” and insurance also marked “elect to participate.” If your son or daughter is participating in a Fall sport, their forms should already be completed. If you have not yet completed the online forms, an email was pushed out to you again, to the email address we have on file.
- Please remember that all online forms need to be completed, and the $25 insurance fee paid before your student can bring their iPad home from school.
Fees/Tech Fund Charge/Insurance
Attendance Reminder:
The Ohio Department of Education has placed an emphasis on Chronic Absenteeism, which equates to 10% of the total hours in a school year that a student is absent (regardless of whether the absence is excused, unexcused, medical, or suspension). Educating our students on attendance policies and the impact of missing just two days a month of school is critical.
Please encourage and support your student(s) to be here, and be on time, as it can play a significant role in ensuring their future success and prevent students from being “at risk” of falling behind academically.
All student absence notifications will continue to be communicated via Parent Square. You will still receive a message from Parent Square, even if you called your student off with the school that morning.
You must reply to the automated Parent Square message with the reason for your student’s absence. Until we receive your reply, your student will be marked unexcused.
Morning Drop Off:
As part of our ongoing commitment to ensure the safety of our staff and students, I want to remind everyone that students are not permitted in the building without staff supervision.
Deputy Collins will be at the Victory Bell doors in the morning for any student who is being dropped off by a parent or guardian. Students will not be permitted in the building until he opens those doors at 7:10 am.
Any student who is being dropped off by a parent or guardian should remain in their vehicle until Deputy Collins opens the door at 7:10 am.
Student Late Arrival / Early Dismissal:
Late student arrivals must take place at Door 1, near the main office (Victory Bell doors will lock at 7:40 a.m.)
Students will exit the building at 2:25 p.m.
Afternoon Pick Up:
Students will exit the building at the Victory Bell doors.
Parents can line up along the fence in front of the softball field.
Traffic flow is one way in the afternoon, exiting onto Beeson.
All other early dismissals must take place at Door 1, near the main office
Early Dismissal
Bus Information:
Breakfast and Lunch:
Child & Adolescent Counseling – Ashlen Mitchell, MA
School based counseling services are available at school for your child in these areas and much more; behavior health screening, crisis intervention, student social/emotional skill development, mental health or substance issues, and referrals for parent/guardian engagement/education.
Student Schedules:
Parking Permits: $20.00 - checks made payable to Marlington High School
All students who drive to Marlington High School must purchase a parking permit
MHS parking permits are honored at Alliance High School, for Career Tech students.
Transcript Request:
If your student needs a transcript sent somewhere please fill out the transcript request link on our website and Mrs. Goodwin will send their transcript.
If your student wants to attend a college or university be sure to fill out the FAFSA (Federal Student Aid) to see if you qualify for assistance.