Marlington High School


Marlington High School



Please read the following for an update on important information and upcoming events at Marlington High School. 


OHSAA Spring Sports Meeting

  • Mandatory parent meeting for student athletes participating in a spring sport (if they did not participate in a fall or winter sport)

  • Monday, February 10, at 6 p.m. in the high school cafeteria

  • Individual team meetings, with coaches, to follow at 6:30 p.m.

    • Baseball 

    • Softball 

    • Track 

    • Tennis 

No School - Monday, February 17

  • Presidents’ Day - No School

ACT Testing (Juniors)

  • Tuesday, February 25 at MHS



HS Spring Choral Concert

  • February 27 at 7:00 pm

  • High School Auditorium

HS/MS Band MIOSM Concert

  • March 11 at 7:00 pm

  • High School Auditorium

Jostens Sophomore Class Ring Info

Jostens Senior Cap & Gown Info

Orders may be placed:

  • Online
  • By phone with the local Jostens – 330-877-4700
  • By mail to the local Jostens office – Jostens – PO Box 452 – Uniontown, OH 44685

 Any questions, please contact our local office (email: [email protected] or 330-877-4700)

Online Forms
  • All online forms MUST be completed and the questions referring to iPad Guidelines and Procedures must be marked as “Agree to the terms” and insurance also marked “elect to participate.” If your son or daughter is participating in a Fall sport, their forms should already be completed. If you have not yet completed the online forms, an email was pushed out to you again, to the email address we have on file.
  • Please remember that all online forms need to be completed, and the $25 insurance fee paid before your student can bring their iPad home from school. 
Fees/Tech Fund Charge/Insurance 
  • iPad Technology Fund Charge = $25 (this charge does not qualify to be waived)
  • iPad Insurance Charge (optional) = $25 (must be paid in order to take the iPad home)
  • Payment may be sent with your child to school or you may pay with your debit/credit card on www.payschoolscentral.comThis link may be found on our website under the “Parent” tab. IF YOU PAY ONLINE, PLEASE TAKE A PICTURE OF YOUR RECEIPT TO SHOW WHEN PICKING UP THE IPAD.
    • Additional classroom fees will not be added until October. This is following the guidance of our Information Technology Center. Another message will be sent once all fees have been posted to student accounts. 
Attendance Reminder:
The Ohio Department of Education has placed an emphasis on Chronic Absenteeism, which equates to 10% of the total hours in a school year that a student is absent (regardless of whether the absence is excused, unexcused, medical, or suspension). Educating our students on attendance policies and the impact of missing just two days a month of school is critical. 
Please encourage and support your student(s) to be here, and be on time, as it can play a significant role in ensuring their future success and prevent students from being “at risk” of falling behind academically.
  • All student absence notifications will continue to be communicated via Parent Square. You will still receive a message from Parent Square, even if you called your student off with the school that morning. 
  • You must reply to the automated Parent Square message with the reason for your student’s absence. Until we receive your reply, your student will be marked unexcused.
      • Any student who has missed 38 hours or more in a month, or 65 hours or more in a year, regardless if absences are excused or not, is considered excessively absent, per House Bill 410. 
      • Any student who has 30 hrs in a week, 42 hours in a month, or 72 hrs in a year of unexcused absences is considered habitually truant, which will require an Attendance Intervention Plan to be implemented.
      • Medical excuses do not factor into excessive absence or truancy counts, per House Bill 410.
Morning Drop Off: 
  • As part of our ongoing commitment to ensure the safety of our staff and students, I want to remind everyone that students are not permitted in the building without staff supervision. 
  • Deputy Collins will be at the Victory Bell doors in the morning for any student who is being dropped off by a parent or guardian. Students will not be permitted in the building until he opens those doors at 7:10 am. 
  • Any student who is being dropped off by a parent or guardian should remain in their vehicle until Deputy Collins opens the door at 7:10 am. 
Student Late Arrival / Early Dismissal:
  • Late student arrivals must take place at Door 1, near the main office (Victory Bell doors will lock at 7:40 a.m.)
  • Students will exit the building at 2:25 p.m. 
  • Afternoon Pick Up:
    • Students will exit the building at the Victory Bell doors. 
    • Parents can line up along the fence in front of the softball field.
    • Traffic flow is one way in the afternoon, exiting onto Beeson.
  • All other early dismissals must take place at Door 1, near the main office 
Early Dismissal
  • Student’s must submit a note to Mrs. Bogunovich in the Attendance Office, the morning of their dismissal. A pass will be sent to your student later in the day for their early dismissal.
Bus Information:
  • You will be able to locate your child’s bus information by going to our district website, “”. Navigate to “Parents” and then select “Transportation”. Click “Bus Information” to review instructions for E-Link. 
  • Your username and password will be the Student ID (This can be found on HAC by clicking on the Registration window and then the Demographic tab). If you have moved or the location of your child’s pick up has changed since last school year, please call the transportation office at 330-821-4027 or e-mail at with the student’s name and address to make any changes.
  • It is important that the driver has information on who is riding the bus in case of emergencies. Please make sure you complete your school online forms (EMA) to fill out emergency medical forms on your students. 
Breakfast and Lunch:
  • Breakfast and Lunch for the 2024-25 school year are FREE for ALL STUDENTS
Child & Adolescent Counseling – Ashlen Mitchell, MA
  • School based counseling services are available at school for your child in these areas and much more; behavior health screening, crisis intervention, student social/emotional skill development, mental health or substance issues, and referrals for parent/guardian engagement/education. 
  • For more information you may call the school, C&A at 330-433-6075 or email
Student Schedules: 
  • Student schedules are now viewable in the Home Access Center. Please log in to view your student’s schedule. If you are unable to access HAC please submit a Home Access Center Help Form. Assistance will be provided to you soon. 
  • Not all Academic Assists have been scheduled. We will send another message prior to the first day of school reminding everyone to check HAC again for any updates to schedules. 
  • Students can submit a schedule change request by completing the Schedule Change Request Form
    • There are no schedule changes to move classes around to leave early or come in late
Parking Permits: $20.00 - checks made payable to Marlington High School
  • All students who drive to Marlington High School must purchase a parking permit
  • MHS parking permits are honored at Alliance High School, for Career Tech students.


  • Make sure your student is checking Marlington's scholarship page for a list of local scholarships available. 

Transcript Request: 

If your student needs a transcript sent somewhere please fill out the transcript request link on our website and Mrs. Goodwin will send their transcript. 



If your student wants to attend a college or university be sure to fill out the FAFSA (Federal Student Aid) to see if you qualify for assistance. 

NWEA MAP Family Toolkit

Your student will be taking MAP® Growth™ tests from NWEA® on an iPad. MAP Growth scores help teachers check student performance by measuring achievement and growth in reading and math. Teachers use results to tailor classroom lessons and set goals for students. Click here to view the NWEA MAP Family Toolkit for more information.

Purple Star School

Follow Us On.....

Marlington High School

10450 Moulin Avenue
Alliance, Ohio 44601
Phone: 330-823-1300 
Fax: 330-823-1644

Upcoming Events

Feb 26
Feb 27
Mar 5
Mar 6

Cheer Banquet 6:30PM

Thu Mar 6 2025
Mar 10
Mar 11

MHS/MMS MIOSM Band Concert

Tue Mar 11 2025
Mar 12

Wrestling Banquet 6:30PM

Wed Mar 12 2025
Mar 19

Elks January Teens of the Month Travis Hoffmeyer and Zoe Mort

2024 Buckeye Girls State Delegates

2024 Buckeye Boys State Delegate

View text-based website