Abueteen, Zaid
High School Staff
Arrington, Bre
MHS Guidance Counselor
High School Staff
Bogunovich, Debbie
Attendance Secretary
High School Staff
Cannon, Chris
High School Staff
Cardinal, Joe
Social Studies
High School Staff
Castellucci, Eunice
High School Staff
Casto, Valerie
High School Staff
Costoff, Tasha
Athletic Secretary
High School Staff
Cyders, Erick
Technology Integration Director
High School Staff
Denny, Matthew
High School Staff
Dragon, Andy
High School Staff
ElFaye, Sam
High School Staff
Ewing, Krysten
High School Staff
Farrell, Mike
High School Staff
Fetrow, Bethany
High School Staff
Foutty, Julie
Intervention Specialist
High School Staff
My name is Julie Foutty and I am an intervention specialist at Marlington High School. This is my second year at Marlington. I'm so excited to be working with 11th grade students this year. In my free time, I enjoy being outdoors as much as possible. I love spending time with my family and friends, the beach, and a good cup of coffee. Please email or call and leave a message for me if you have any question or concerns.
Francis, Lynn
High School Staff
Frank, Bonnie
High School Staff
Goodwin, Melissa
Guidance Secretary
High School Staff
Griggs, Mark
Social Studies
High School Staff
Hamilton, Curt
Social Studies
High School Staff
Hilliard, Chad
Athletic Director/Career Tech
High School Staff
Joyce, Meredith
MHS Guidance Counselor
High School Staff
Kean, Cathryne
Intervention Specialist
High School Staff
Kendall, Erik
Computer Applications
High School Staff
Knisley, Calle
High School Staff
Kogut, Chris
High School Staff
Kohmann, Amy
Intervention Specialist
High School Staff
Lamancusa, Andrew
Landscaping Design
High School Staff
Lewandowski, Lynn
High School Staff
Libertore, Clay
Intervention Specialist
High School Staff
My name is Clay Libertore and I am the 12th grade Intervention Specialist here at Marlington High School. This is my 5th year teaching at Marlington and 4th year at the high school. I am a graduate of Mount Union University.
I am looking forward to a great school year!
Locke, Christopher
High School Staff
Lowmiller, Shannon
Language Arts
High School Staff
Marmon, Christopher
High School Staff
McCoy, Kaytlin
Language Arts
High School Staff
McDaniel, Alex
High School Staff
McElrath, Michelle
Intervention Specialist
High School Staff
McElroy, Sylvia
Technology Integration Assistant
High School Staff
McGuire, Stephannie
High School Staff
Miller, Steve
Intervention Specialist
High School Staff
Mitchell, Diane
Building Secretary
High School Staff District Staff
Modney, Nick
High School Staff
Morrison, Rita
High School Staff
Morrow, Chloe
Foreign Language
High School Staff
Oyster, Jeff
High School Staff
Oyster, Rahamiah
High School Staff Middle School Staff
Pendergast, Bret
High School Staff Middle School Staff
Phillips, Teresa
Foreign Language
High School Staff
Raybuck, Chris
Health/Physical Education
High School Staff
Hello, My name is Chris Raybuck and I will be teaching Health and Physical Education for the 2023/24 school year. This is my second year at Marlington and I am looking forward to building great relationships with the school staff and students. I have been married to my lovely wife, Ashley, for 5 years now. I have a 12 year old step daughter Madison, and a 3 year old boy Dugan. I am currently coaching football at Tallmadge High School (linebackers and running backs.) In my free time I love being physically active in some sort of capacity I enjoy: working out, hiking, bike riding, golf, and snowboarding. I really like exploring new cities and what they have to offer (mostly food and activities!) A little about my professional experience...This is my 11th year teaching, before Marlington I worked at Rebecca Stallman Southgate school in South Canton where I worked with students with severe disabilities from all over Stark County. I was in charge of creating and servicing 50+ IEP's along with teaching a transitional aged health class, and a community recreation program. I am grateful to have worked with the students and have learned so much from my previous experience.
Rettig, Cristin
High School Staff
I have been teaching Science for over 2 decades and have experience in 4 school districts in Ohio, including Lake Local (Millbury,) Maumee City and Canton South. I have taught over 8 different preps within that time and have a degree in Integrated Science with concentrations in Biology, Earth Science and Chemistry.
Please have your students refer to schoology for any and all daily work...they are in folders by week and by day.
Thank you, Cristin Rettig
Robson, Debbie
High School Staff
Ruflin, Isaac
High School Staff
Schrock, Jessica
High School Staff
Sheckler, Brittany
High School Staff
My name is Mrs. Brittany Sheckler and I am excited to meet and work with all of you this school year! I have been teaching at Marlington for 10 years. I earned my Bachelor's degree from The Ohio State University and will earn my Master's for the University of Missouri December 2023.
Though there are several names for my room "the AG shop", "shop", and "AG" I teach more than just the world of farming. I am an Agricultural Education Educator, which encompasses more than cows, sows, and plows. It prepares students for successful careers and informed decisions in the food, fiber, land management, natural resources, oil and gas, and agriculture industry. Through,agricultural education, students are provided opportunities for leadership development, personal growth and career success. Currently, this year, I will be teaching Natural Resources Energy (NRE) I and II, Agronomics, and AG, Food, and Natural Resources (AFNR). If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to e-mail me at...
Sourwine, Krystal
Family Support Specialist
High School Staff Middle School Staff
Stevenson, Stephanie
High School Staff
Stinson, Kathy
High School Staff
Tanner, Eric
High School Staff
Travis, Gregory
Assistant Principal
High School Staff
Villilo, Erica
Language Arts
High School Staff
Wise, Andrea
Language Arts
High School Staff
Wright, Denise
High School Staff