Bus Routing Information


Bus Routing Information


Bus Stop Information

You will need to first locate your child’s Student ID by going to the ‘Home Access Center (HAC)”

Locate the Student ID by going to the website “marlingtonlocal.org”

*Across the top under “PARENTS” in the drop down-click ‘Home Access Center (HAC)”

*Login into your student HAC Account.  

*Once logged in, on the tool bar on the far-right hand side click on “REGISTRATION” your students 9- digit student I.D. # is located on the left hand side above his / her name.  (this is what you use for your username & password for the Versatran RP

The Versatran website will guide you to do the following: LINK to website

User Name: “your child’s student I.D”

Password: “your child’s student I.D.”

~This will prompt you to change your password; your Username will remain the student’s 9-digit ID. (Password must be at least 4 spaces)

~Along the top of screen-use drop down under “Students”

~Click – "View My Students" This will bring up your student information associated with that student I.D.

~Click on your student and it will give you this year’s bus information.


Marlington Local School District is introducing a new transportation APP available FREE from Apple/Android store. This app will allow you to track the bus to see how far it is from your bus stop and give you an approximate time for arrival.  This application works when the bus is enroute.

Here is all you need to do:

*Go to APP store search and download the “VERSATRANS MYSTOP APP”

*It will list “Closest Districts” to your location

*Pick your school in the list of schools (MARLINGTON LOCAL SCHOOLS (OH)

*Login-your username and password will be your child’s Student ID.

You can locate the Student ID by going to the website “marlingtonlocal.org”

*Across the top under “PARENTS” in the drop down-click ‘Home Access Center (HAC)”

*Login into your student HAC Account

*Once logged in, on the tool bar on the far-right hand side click on “REGISTRATION” your students 9-digit student I.D. # is located on the left hand side above his / her name.  (this is what you use for your username & password for the MY STOP APP

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