Senior Information


Senior Information

Class of 2025, Welcome to your senior year! We will be using this page to keep you informed of all the things you need to know for your last year at Marlington High School.

Marlington HS Seniors - CAP & GOWN/GRAD ORDER - Due Nov. 1

It's time to start getting ready for the big event - GRADUATION 2025
Your senior received a packet at school today with important information about ordering their Cap & Gown and accessories for graduation. You will also be receiving order details and a sample of the 2025 Announcements in your mail soon.
Please look for this information and place your order ASAP!  Have a great day!
Order at
Use code SENIORSHIP25 to enjoy FREE standard shipping and handling for graduation, regalia, and announcement products on orders $200 or more if you order by SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27!
CAP & GOWN: Provide accurate height & weight for proper fit. Do NOT add inches for shoes. Tassel is included in the unit. Must be ordered by Nov. 1 to avoid additional fees.
ANNOUNCE: Be sure to formally Announce your graduation to those closest to you with a Traditional Announcement.
CELEBRATE: Show off your Senior Status with 2025 apparel.
Ships to your home within a few weeks of ordering, so order right away!
Paper Products and Cap & Gown are delivered at school later in the spring.
Order at OR by mail/phone with the local Jostens office (order forms available upon request)
PO Box 452
Uniontown, OH 44685
Questions?  Email:  [email protected]

Senior Pictures for the Yearbook

Your senior picture for the yearbook is due by APRIL 25, 2025. Your picture can be emailed to [email protected] or a hard copy image can be given to Mrs. McGuire. We are no longer accepting CDs. The images can also be sent over by your photographer via email. Images should have a resolution of 300 dpi, for hard copies wallet size or larger. Confirmation will be provided, upon receipt your digital image. 

Scholarship Opportunities
Scholarship opportunities are added as we receive them on the Marlington High School Guidance Office webpage

Alumni Scholarships
Go to Follow the link to apply. (You will be required to log into your Google Account.) All applications are due by midnight on February 1, 2025

Senior Meetings: Mrs. Joyce and Mrs. Arrington will be conducting individual senior meetings with all seniors to go over graduation requirements, Ohio testing requirements, graduation SEALS, future plans and answer any questions they may have.

Graduating with Honors: 
            -Academic Honors: 
Graduating with a 3.62 cumulative GPA or higher (Counselors identify who qualifies for this) 

             -Honors Diploma: 4 credits of English, 4 credits of Math, 4 credits of Science, 4 credits of Social Studies, 3 credits of one Foreign Language or two years of two different Foreign Languages, 1 credit of a Fine Art, 3.5 or higher GPA, 27 or higher ACT. (Counselors will discuss this with students during their senior meetings) 

             -SEAL OF BILITERACY: The student is eligible to earn a high school diploma, the student has met one of the English language arts proficiency requirements and the student has satisfied one of the foreign language proficiency requirements.
 (Students must meet with their counselor to initiate the process to be considered for a specialized diploma no later than February of their senior year.)

             -HONORS DIPLOMA FOR CAREER-TECHNICAL EDUCATION: 4 credits of English, 4 credits of Math, 4 credits of Science, 4 credits of Social Studies, 4 Career Tech credits, 3.5 GPA,  proficiency benchmark established for appropriate OHIO CAREER-TECHNICAL COMPETENCY ASSESSMENT or the equivalent, 27 ACT or 1280 SAT or WorkKeys, 2 Units of one world language, and students must complete a field experience and document the experience in a portfolio specific to the student’s area of focus. (Students must tell the counselors they wish to go for this honors diploma) 

               -STEM Honors Diploma: 5 credits of math, 5 credits of science, 3 credits of Social Studies, 3 credits of one world language or 2 credits of two different world languages, 1 credit of a Fine Art, 2 credits with a focus in STEM, 3.5 GPA, 27 on the ACT, Field Experience, Comprehensive portfolio of work. (Students must tell the counselors they wish to go for this honors diploma) 

FAFSA: The new FAFSA form will open in December 2023! The Free Application for Federal Student Aid form is the application for federal financial aid for college and post-secondary training. It may also help you qualify for financial aid from the state of Ohio and at the institution of your choice. By filling this application out you’ll see what you qualify for. You may qualify for grants, which you do not need to repay. If you qualify for loans, federal loans have lower interest rates and you don’t start repaying until your student graduates. 

        Common Questions about FAFSA: 

  1. Can I apply for FAFSA if I am going to a trade school? YES! 

  2. Should I complete the FAFSA if I haven’t been accepted to college yet? YES! 

  3. Should I apply even if I already have a plan to pay for school? YES! 

College Applications: 

-Early Action: Most schools offer early action deadlines, which entail applying early and receiving an early admission decision. This is a great option for those who want an early admission decision without having to commit to a school. Early action does not require you to commit to attending the school should you get admitted. 

-Early Decision: Similar to early action, early decision means applying to a college and getting an admission decision around mid-December. This comes with a binding agreement to enroll. If you get in, you must pay a nonrefundable deposit and immediately withdraw all of your other college applications. This is why students applying early decision should be completely set on attending a particular school. 

-Regular Decision Deadline: These deadlines commonly fall in January or February but each school could be different. 

Letters of Recommendation: Please fill out this google form to request a Counselor Recommendation Letter from your counselor. (Link also found on our website) 

Records Requests: If you need a transcript, please request through the google form on our website. (Link also found on our website) 

SENIOR EXAMS – May 27 and 28 


Baccalaureate (spiritual graduation ceremony in addition to Graduation but not mandatory) will be held on Thursday, May 29 at 7:00 PM in the Marlington High School auditorium. All seniors, as well as their family and friends are invited and encouraged to come. Students should arrive in the high school cafeteria at 6:30 PM with their cap and gown. 



Commencement rehearsal will take place on Sunday, June 1, from 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM at the Canton Memorial Civic Center, 1101 Market Ave N, Canton, Ohio 44702. Seniors who expect to participate in commencement should arrive at 11:00 AM and must be present for the entire rehearsal. Emergency cases will be considered on an individual basis.  District Dress and Grooming policy will be enforced during rehearsal. Please bring your cap, gown and tassel to graduation practice. 

ALL FEES; School Fees, Lunch Accounts, Technology Fund Charge, Laptop and uniforms must be paid/turned-in to receive a transcript, participate at graduation (paid by May 30, 2025). 

If you have further fee questions please call Mrs. Bogunovich at (330) 823-1300 ext. 4241 during normal school hours.



1.    Graduation is scheduled for Sunday, June 1 at 2:00 PM at the Canton Memorial Civic Center, 1101 Market Ave N, Canton, Ohio 44702. 

2.     Should an emergency arise that prevents your presence at graduation exercises, if possible, please notify Mrs. Joyce so that your name may be read in absentia. 

3.     Parents and guests, please stand during the processional. Everyone remains standing until all graduates have entered. 

4.      Men’s caps should be removed during the Alma Mater and the Star Spangled


5.    Students who earned Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude or Summa Cum Laude status will receive their cords at the conclusion of rehearsal.  Cords are $7 and must be paid for in the main office by May 30, 2024. If you choose not to purchase your cord you will return it prior to picking up your official diploma.

6.     Students will be given a diploma case during the graduation ceremony. Students may pick up their official diploma in the McKinley Room following the ceremony.


As a courtesy to the graduates and special guests, we ask members of the audience to take pictures from their seats or from an area designated behind graduate seating.  A professional photographer will photograph graduates with their diploma. These pictures and additional prints will be available at minimal cost.  

Photographs may be ordered online at


Due to our graduation location, tickets will not be necessary. Seating will be on a first come first serve basis. Doors will not open until 1pm. 

Parking will be available in the parking deck and lot between the Civic Center and Art building


All seniors should wear proper attire.  The attire for girls shall be a white cap and gown. That being said, girls must wear white or a pastel color under their gown. Bold print is not recommended and will be very noticeable with the transparency of a white gown.  

Boys attire will be black cap and gown; collared shirt and tie is recommended. Appropriate clothing will be worn underneath your gown.  


Students not dressed in proper attire may not be permitted to participate in the formal graduation ceremony on commencement day. 


To be dressed properly for graduation, please note the following: 

  • Caps are to be worn flat on top of the head with the point of the cap centered in the middle of the forehead.

  • Tassels are worn on the right side of the cap until commencement honors are bestowed upon the graduates. 

  • Gowns should be hung up at home as most wrinkles will then come out.  If it is necessary to press the gown, please use a cool iron. Flowers, decorative pins or other adornments are NOT to be worn on gowns. 

  • Students are not permitted to decorate their graduation caps.  Students wearing decorated caps and gowns will have to remove those decorations prior to the processional. 

2/1/25 - Alumni Scholarship Applications Due
2/7/25 - Winter Hearts Dance

4/25/25 - Senior Pictures Due
4/25/25 - Parent Messages Due

5/10/25 - Prom 
*All fees must be paid to attend Prom
5/16/25 - End of Year Awards Assembly

5/27/25 - Senior Exams
5/28/25 - Senior Exams
5/29/25 - Senior Exam Make-up
5/29/25 - Baccalaureate 
6/1/25 - Graduation
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