


Local Scholarships

*Scholarships will be posted as they come available. Click the Scholarship Name for more information or application.

Students who have applied and been accepted to Malone can compete for one of two renewable full-tuition Presidential Scholarships. Students who participate but are not selected will be considered for a $1,000 Honors Scholarship ($4,000 over 4 years) pending acceptance into the Honors Program.

The Canton Student Loan Foundation provides low interest student loans to Stark County graduates who have and maintain at least a 2.00 GPA and who are pursuing post high school education or training on a full-time basis. Qualified applicants can borrow each academic year up to a total maximum loan of $16,000.  

Due Dates:


Athena Scholarship- January 31st 


7 17 Credit Union Scholarships- March 1st

Stark Community Foundation Scholarships- April 15th



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