Community Information


Community Information

Treasurer's Page

Welcome to the Treasurer's page!  If you have any questions, please call or email Bob Foss, Treasurer:
(330) 821-4012, [email protected]

News and Articles

Safety Improvements

New locks and other safety measures provide additional security to Marlington students.

Levies and Reappraisal

Nexus Pipeline


Revenue Sources

Five-Year Forecast

Board of Education


Generally, when discussing the finances of the school district, we are speaking about the 'General Fund'. The general fund is used to pay the general expenses of the district, and it is the subject of the five-year forecast.  Accordingly, we look at the general fund to determine how the district is doing financially - it tells us how much money is being received, and how that money is being spent on general operations.

Funding sources for the general fund include property taxes, state payments, fees, and 'payments in lieu of taxes' or payments made by certain entities who must make such payments under the terms of tax exemption (for example, payments from the Nexus pipeline).

It is important to understand that State Law requires schools to keep certain funds in separate account besides the general fund, and to use these funds for specific purposes only.  Grant funds, money from permanent improvement levies, cafeteria receipts, and money raised by students organizations are examples of monies that cannot be used to pay for general operating expenses.  State law also prohibits schools from transferring these monies to the general fund.

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