What is it?
Power of the Pen is a creative writing competition team. We have 3 possible competitions throughout the year. Last year we had 2 students make it to the State competition at the Ashland University.
Who is eligible?
All middle school students are able to participate, however, only six students in 7th grade and six students in 8th grade are able to be on the competition team. Sixth graders are able to practice with the team and also help out at the competitions as runners.
How do I get on the team?
Please see Mrs. Maley for information.
Students need to be able to come to practices, turn in writing samples, and commit to the 3 competitions if they qualify.
Practice begins around October/November. Please look for the flyers around the school with dates and times. All information will be available in Schoology once you join the Power of the Pen course.