District Gifted Services


District Gifted Services

Welcome to Marlington Gifted Services!  
The Marlington Local School District is committed to identifying and supporting appropriate services for children of advanced abilities in grades K-12. In recognizing students' individual needs, the district seeks to challenge the uniques abilities of these children by providing differentiated instruction within the curriculum to accommodate their individual needs. Working as educational partners, parents, staff, and community members will help gifted students realize their potential.
Gifted - Ohio Department of Education Definition
 Marlington follows the definition of the Ohio Administrative Code 3301-51-15. "Gifted" means students who perform or show potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared to others of their age, experience, or environment and who are identified according to certain provisions of the Ohio Revised Code.  Students may be identified gifted in the following areas:  superior cognitive ability, specific academic ability, creative thinking ability, and the visual and performing arts.
Screening and Identification 
MLSD utilizes Ohio Department of Education Approved Assessment Instruments in the screening and gifted identification process, K-12.
Children may be referred on an ongoing basis:
  • Child request (self-referral)
  • Teacher recommendation 
  • Parent/Guardian request
  • Child referral of peer
  • Others familiar with child's performance levels.
  • Gifted Referral Form for Teachers and Parents available HERE 

Upon receipt of referral, the district will follow guidelines of Ohio Department of Education for screening and identification.  Parents or guardian(s) will be notified of results of screening, assessment and/or identification results.

Written Education Plans (WEP)
All identified gifted students who receive services that operate in accordance with the Ohio Operating Standards for Gifted Students are provided an annual Written Education Plan (WEP) that includes service goals.  The plans are provided to the parents/guardians of each gifted student receiving services.
Contact Information 
Diane Oplinger, Gifted/Talented Coordinator
Marlington Local School District 

Kristi Ovak, Gifted/Talented Coordinator
Marlington Local School District


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