Welcome to Lexington Elementary! We are so proud to be a school filled with great students, a dedicated staff and lots of Duke Pride. Our goal is to keep the focus of the district: Every Minute, Every Moment, Every Memory. #MovingMarlingtonForward
The 2024-2025 school year promises to be an exciting one for the Lexington Community. We will continue to keep the focus on our goals including all students growing as readers and mathematicians, focusing on using data to make the best decisions for the whole child, and building relationships to promote positive culture and climate in our building and greater community. We will continue our work to improve attendance. We're very excited to implement a new tool for students and families this year called PBIS Rewards which will help promote Duke Pride. Finally, our elementary team has made great strides in literacy and will be implementing a new K-5 reading curriculum this year called Benchmark Advance. We will continue to use ParentSquare to communicate and Envision as our mathematics curriculum.
Lexington Pride is evident through our fantastic PTO and volunteer network. These devoted parents and community members work together to offer a variety of activities, such as classroom parties, fun family outings, educational assemblies and experiences, and volunteer support in our building. They also focus on Somebody Special Day, Field Days, and so many other experiences for our students. You can help out by supporting PTO fundraisers and donating and/or volunteering your time.
Each Monday evening, I will be sending home an email notice with information pertinent to Lexington families. A text reminder will help you to check your email. Please make sure your email address is on file with us. I am confident that together we ensure that our students have another year of academic excellence, individual growth and rewarding accomplishments.
In partnership,
Ashley Weber
Lexington Elementary Principal
[email protected]
“Every Moment, Every Minute, Every Memory”