School Counselor


School Counselor

Mrs. Knoch's Bio

I serve as the School Counselor at Lexington Elementary, where I conduct individual, small group, and large group counseling sessions aimed at providing effective social-emotional learning strategies. I hold a Master’s Degree in K-12 School Counseling from the University of Dayton and have previously worked as an elementary and middle School Counselor in Summit County. Before pursuing a career in counseling, I earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Life-Science Education from Capital University and taught high school science in the Columbus area. Additionally, I have completed field studies in Costa Rica and the Bahamas, which have deepened my understanding of cultural influences and fostered a greater appreciation for nature and the simplicity of living.

I highly recommend reading Vitamin N: The Essential Guide to a Nature-Rich Life by Richard Louv. This insightful book offers numerous ideas on the significance of spending time in nature, emphasizing its necessity for maintaining both mental and physical well-being.

Outside of my professional responsibilities, I enjoy gardening, trail walking, reading and baking. I reside in Louisville with my husband and our children, along with our spirited dog and playful ferret.

What does a School Counselor do?

  • Helps all students develop socially, emotionally, and academically
  • Implement the social emotional curriculum through monthly classroom activities
  • Care Team Leader
  • Connects with students through individual counseling, small group counseling, and classroom lessons
  • Works in collaboration and consultation with parents, teachers, and administrators
  • Provides families with support and assistance as needed 

Why contact the School Counselor?
  • Behavior concerns
  • Friendship/peer relations
  • Anxiety/stress
  • Self-esteem
  • Grief/loss
  • Mental health concerns 
  • Life changes
  • Family difficulties or concerns

How does a parent contact the School Counselor? 
Parents can call the School Counselor at any time for a phone conference or to set up a school visit. I can also be reached via email at [email protected]

How does a student see the School Counselor?
  • Self-referral
  • Parent referral
  • Teacher or staff referral
  • Administration referral
  • Referral by friend(s)
  • Request of the counselor 

All conversations with the student and counselor are confidential.  Exceptions to confidentiality include: a student in danger of harming himself/herself or someone else, a student reports abuse or neglect or court ordered.


We have CARE teams at all of our elementary school buildings. CARE teams help utilize resources available within the school building or educational community to meet the needs of the child.  Our CARE team staff meets regularly in a confidential setting to discuss any struggles that our students have. These struggles could include academics, behavior, emotional, social, or other. Parents/Guardians give consent for their child to receive any support services that the CARE team suggests.
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